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Recent works on Hungarian medieval art - 1991-2010

Only the most recent works in western languages (or ones with summaries in western languages) are listed, as well as some basic reference works. For more information on and brief reviews of new books, see this section of the Medieval Hungary blog.


Art and Architecture around 1400 – Global and Regional Perspectives. Ed. Marjeta Cignilečki – Polona Vidmar. Maribor, 2012

Emese Sarkadi Nagy: Local Workshops - Foreign Connections. Late Medieval Altarpieces from Transylvania. (Studia Jagellonica Lipsiensia, Bd. 9). Ostfildern: Thorbecke, 2012. 

Takács, Imre: Az Árpád-házi királyok pecsétjei - Royal Seals of the Árpád Dynasty. Corpus Sigillorum Hungariae Mediaevalis I. Budapest, Magyar Országos Levéltár (Hungarian National Archives), 2012.

"Et il s'émereviellerent" L'art médiéval en Croatie. Paris, Musée de Cluny, 2012

Tim Juckes: The Parish and Pilgrimage Church of St Elizabeth in Košice. Town, Court, and Architecture in Late Medieval Hungary (Architectura Medii Aevi 6.). Turnhout, 2011


Péter Farbaky - Louis A. Waldman, eds.: Italy and Hungary: Humanism and Art in the Early Renaissance. Acts of an International Conference, Florence, Villa I Tatti, June 6–8, 2007. (Villa I Tatti 27). Cambridge, MA, 2011.

Evelin Wetter: Objekt, Überlieferung und Narrativ. Spätmittelalterliche Goldschmiedekunst im historischen Königreich Ungarn (Studia Jagellonica Lipsiensia, Bd. 8). Ostfildern: Thorbecke, 2011.

Gerhard Jaritz, ed.: Angels, Devils: The Supernatural and its Visual Representation (CEU Medievalia). Budapest, 2011.

Bonum ut pulchrum: Essays in Art History in Honour of Ernő Marosi on His Seventieth Birthday. Ed. László Beke - Imre Takács - Lívia Varga. Budapest, 2010.

D'or et de feu - L'art en Slovaquie à la fin du Moyen Age. Paris, Musée du Cluny, 2010.

Péter E.Kovács - Kornél Szovák: Infima Aetas Pannonica: Studies in Late Medieval Hungarian History. Budapest, 2010.

László Veszprémy - Tünde Wehli - József Hapák: The Book of the Illuminated Chronicle. Budapest, 2009.

Marcus Tanner: The Raven King - Matthias Corvinus and the Fate of His Lost Library. New Haven - London, 2008.

Péter Farbaky et al., eds.: Matthias Corvinus, the King. Tradition and renewal in the Hungarian Royal Court 1458-1490. Exhibition catalogue, Budapest, 2008.

Gabriella Balla - Zsombor Jékely, eds.: The dowry of Beatrice : Italian Maiolica Art and the Court of King Matthias. Exhibition catalogue. Budapest, 2008.

Árpád Mikó, ed.: Renaissance Year, 2008 (guide to four exhibitions). Budapest, 2008.

András Kubinyi: Matthias Rex. Translated by Andrew T. Gane. Budapest: Balassi Kiadó, 2008.

Ex Bibliotheca Corviniana. Die acht Münchener Handschriften aus dem Besitz von König Matthias Corvinus. Hrsg. von Claudia Fabian und Edina Zsupán. Budapest, Bibliotheca Nationalis Hungariae, BSB, UIM, 2008. (Bavarica et Hungarica 1–Supplementum Corvinianum 1)

Dana Jenei: Gothic Mural Painting in Transylvania. Bucharest, 2007.

Helga Fabritius: Die Honigberger Kapelle. Kunst und Selbstdarstellung einer siebenbürgischen Gemeinde im 15. Jahrhundert. Verlag Janos Stekovics, Dössel 2006.

Sigismundus Rex et Imperator - Kunst und Kultur zur Zeit Sigismunds von Luxemburg, 1387-1437. Edited by Imre Takács, with the assistance of Zsombor Jékely, Szilárd Papp and Györgyi Poszler. Budapest - Luxembourg, 2006 - exhibition catalogue, also available in Hungarian and French

Sigismund von Luxemburg: Ein Kaiser in Europe. Ein internationaler historischer und kunsthistorischer Kongress in Luxemburg, 8–10. Juni 2005. Edited by: Michel Pauly, Francois Reinert. Mainz - Luxembourg, 2006.

Dušan Buran (ed.): Dejiny slovenského výtvarného umenia – Gotika. Slovak National Gallery Bratislava, 2003.

Mária Prokopp, Középkori freskók Gömörben - Medieval Frescoes in Gömör County. Somorja: Méry Ratio, 2002. (A full English edition is also available)

Dusan Buran, Studien zur Wandmalerei um 1400 in der Slowakei - Die Pfarrkirche St. Jakob in Leutschau und die Pfarrkirche St. Franziskus Seraphicus in Poniky. Weimar: VDG, 2002.

Béla Zsolt Szakács, ed.: A Guide to Visual Resources of Medieval East-Central Europe. Budapest: CEU Press, 2002.

Karsay Orsolya, ed., Uralkodók és corvinák - Potentates and corvinas : anniversary exhibition of the National Széchényi Library: May 16 - August 20, 2002. Budapest: OSZK, 2002.

Gábor Klaniczay, Holy Rulers and Blessed Princesses - Dynastic Cults in Medieval Central Europe, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Paradisum plantavit - Benedictine Monasteries in Medieval Hungary. Edited by Imre Takács, Pannonhalma, 2001. - 750 pages bilingual catalogue of the Pannonhalma exhibition on Benedictines.

A Thousand Years of Christianity in Hungary - Catalogue of the Vatican exhibition. Vatican-Budapest, 2001. Also available in Italian and Hungarian.

Bayern Ungarn: Tausend Jahre - Begleitband zur Ausstellung vom Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte und dem Oberhausmuseum, Passau 2001 - 407 pages, illustrated.

L'Europe des Anjou 1266-1480, de Naples au Danube, Aventure des princes angevins du XIIIe au XVe - 372 pages, 370 illustrations, éditions Somogy, Paris, 2001.

Europas Mitte um 1000 - Beiträge zur Geschichte, Kunst und Archäologie, I-II., Stuttgart: Theiss, 2000. Exhibition catalogue. This two-volume set is supplemented by text volumes in English, Hungarian, Polish and Czech.

Három kódex: Az országos Széchényi könyvtár millenniumi kiállítása. 2000. augusztus 17-november 17 - Three manuscripts: the millenary exhibition of the National Széchényi Library. 17th August - 17th November, 2000. Budapest: Országos Széchényi Könyvtár - Osiris, 2000.

Cimélia: Az Országos Széchényi Könyvtár kincsei - The treasures of the National Széchényi Library. Budapest: Országos Széchényi Könyvtár - Osiris, 2000. (Serves as the catalogue of a 1996 exhibition.)

Hapák, József - Solymos, Szilveszter, Pannonhalma - A town built on a hill. Budapest: Magyar Könyvklub - Archabbey of Pannonhalma, 2000. - An illustrated guide to the history and art of the Archabbey of Pannonhalma. Full text in English.

Földi-Dózsa, Katalin, ed., Centuries of the Royal Castle in Buda. Budapest: Budapest History Museum, 2000. - This book accompanies a recent exhibition of the same title.

Dercsényi, Balázs - Kaiser, Ottó - Koppány, Tibor, Hungarian Castles. Budapest: Officina '96, 2000.

Lörincz, Zoltán, Szent Márton, Savaria szülötte - Saint Martin, the Son of Savaria. Szombathely: B.K.L. Kiadó - Pannon Lapok Társasága, 2000. - Essay on St Martin and his cult in Hungary and Europe, with discussion of artworks depicting his life.

Nemzeti örökségünk - Templomok a történelmi Magyarországról - Our National Heritage - Churches in Historical Hungary. Budapest: Publi-City "1492" Kiadó, 2000. - Illustrated book on churches in historical Hungary. Short text in Hungarian, English, German, with color illustrations.

Hungaria regia 1000-1800. Fastes et défis. Turnhout, 1999. Catalogue of a Hungarian exhibition in Bruxelles.

Szentesi, Edit - Újvári, Péter, eds., A Jáki apostolszobrok - Die Apostolenfiguren von Ják. Studien. Budapest: Balassi, 1999. - This major new book contains a number of studies about the the Romanesque church of Ják in Western Hungary, and the thirteenth-century apostle statues from its main portal. The whole book is bilingual (Hungarian-German).

Tóth, Endre - Szelényi, Károly. The Holy Crown of Hungary - Kings and Coronations. Budapest: Kossuth, 1999. - This beautiful illustrated book is also available in German and Hungarian.

Nyulászi-Straub, Éva. Öt évszázad címerei = Wappen aus fünf Jahrhunderten. Szekszárd: Babits Kiadó, 1999. - On Hungarian coat of arms.

Kósa, László, ed., A Cultural History of Hungary - From the Beginnings to the Eighteenth Century. Budapest: Corvina-Osiris, 1999.

The Man of Many Devices, Who Wandered Full Many Ways, Festschrift in honor of János M. Bak for his 70th Birthday, Edited by Balázs Nagy and Marcell Sebok, Budapest: CEU Press, 1999.

Medium Regni - Medieval Hungarian Royal Seats, Budapest: Nap, 1998. - This is a well-illustrated introduction to the medieval royal seats in Hungary, including Esztergom, Székesfehérvár, Óbuda, Visegrád and Buda.

The Architecture of Historic Hungary, ed. by Dora Wiebenson and József Sisa, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1998 - The medieval chapters were written by Pál Lővei and Péter Farbaky.

Széless, György, Az esztergomi Szent Adalbert székesegyház, Esztergom, 1998. - Description of the medieval cathedral of Esztergom from 1761. The cathedral was later destroyed. Facsimile of the original Latin manuscript and Hungarian translation with extensive commentary.

Rózsa, György, Grafikai tanulmányok [Graphikgeschichtliche Studien - Kapitel aus der Vergangenheit der Ungarn betreffenden graphischen Darstellungen]. Budapest: Akadémiai, 1998 - The first chapter (Die Quellen der Illustrationen der Thuróczy-Chronik) deals with a late 15th century Hungarian chronicle.

"Magnificat anima mea Dominum" - MS mester Vizitáció-képe és egykori selmecbányai főoltára - The Visitation by Master MS and his former high altar at Selmecbánya, exhibition catalogue, ed. Árpád Mikó - Györgyi Poszler, Budapest: Hungarian National Gallery, 1997 - Exhibition devoted to the most important Late Gothic painter in Hungary.

Fodor, István, ed., The Ancient Hungarians; exhibition catalogue, Budapest: Hungarian National Museum, 1996. - Catalogue of the exhibition about the Conquest of Hungary (895/6).

Mons Sacer 996-1996 - Pannonhalma 1000 éve [Thousand years of the abbey of Pannonhalma], 3 vols., exh. cat. ed. Imre Takács, Pannonhalma, 1996) - The catalogue is in Hungarian, but full German translations of the most important studies are available in Acta Historiae Artium vol. 38 (1996).

Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Court, Cloister, and City. The Art and Culture of Central Europe 1450-1800, Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1995.

Marosi Ernő, Kép és hasonmás - Művészet és valóság a 14-15. századi Magyarországon [Image and Likeness: Art and Reality in the 14th and 15th Centuries in Hungary], Budapest: Akadémiai, 1995. Vol. 23 of Művészettörténeti Füzetek.

Laszlovszky, József, ed., Medieval Visegrád - Royal Castle, Palace, Town and Franciscan Friary (Dissertationes Pannonicae III.4.), Budapest: Institute of Archaeology, 1995.

Tamási, Judit, Verwandte Typen im Schweizerischen und Ungarischen Kachelfundmaterial in der Zweiten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts, Budapest: Ungarisches Landesdenkmalamt, 1995.

Fiala, Andrej - Sulcova, Jana - Krútky, Peter, Die Bratislavaer Burg, Bratislava: AlfaPress, 1995 - Small monograph on the former Hungarian royal castle at Bratislava (Pozsony - Pressburg).

Pannonia Regia: Művészet a Dunántúlon 1000-1541 -Kunst und Architektur in Pannonien 1000-1541, exhibition catalogue, ed. Mikó Árpád and Takács Imre, Budapest: Hungarian National Gallery, 1994 - For a German language review of the exhibition catalogue, written by Ernő Marosi, see Acta Historiae Artium vol. 37. (1994-95), 328-345.

Sigismund von Luxemburg: Kaiser und König in Mitteleuropa, 1387-1437: Beiträge zur Herrschaft Kaiser Sigismunds und der europäischen Geschichte um 1400: Vorträge der internationalen Tagung in Budapest vom 8-11. Juli 1987, ed. Josef Macek, Ernö Marosi, Ferdinand Seibt, Warendorf: Fahlbusch, 1994 -Contains a number of art historical studies as well.

Cséfalvy, Pál, Esztergom: The Cathedral, The Treasury and The Castle Museum, Budapest: Helikon, 1992.

Garam, Éva - Kiss, Attila, Gold Finds of the Migration Period in the Hungarian National Museum, Budapest: Helikon, 1992.

Höfler, Janez - Balazic, Janez, Johannes Aquila, Murska Sobota: Pomurska zalozba, 1992 - Bilingual (Slovenian-German) monograph on the late fourteenth century painter active in the present day Hungarian-Slovenian border region.

Budapest im Mittelalter, ed. Gerd Biegel, Braunschweig: Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum - Historisches Museum Budapest, 1991.

Kubinyi, András - Laszlovszky, József, eds., Alltag und materielle Kultur im mittelalterliche Ungarn. Medium Aevum Quotidianum 22 (1991).

Dercsényi, Balázs - Hegyi, Gábor - Marosi, Ernő - Török József, Catholic Churches in Hungary, Budapest, 1991.


bullet Other new books - in Hungarian

Magyar Kódex, vol. I. - Az Árpádok világa. (Magyarország művelődéstörténete a kezdetektől 1301-ig), ed. Szentpéteri, József. Budapest: Kossuth, 1999.- First volume of a new synthesis on Hungarian cultural history, dealing with Árpád age art and culture. The volume comes with a CD-ROM, which contains all the images in the book.

Magyar Kódex, vol. 2. - Lovagkor és reneszánsz, ed. Szentpéteri, József. Budapest: Kossuth, 1999.- The second volume of the series deals with Hungarian culture in the 14th-15th centuries, under the Angevin, Luxemburgian and Hunyadi and Jagellonian kings of Hungary.

Kovács, Éva, Species Modus Ordo - válogatott tanulmányok. Budapest: Szent István Társulat: 1998. - Posthumous collection of studies of the foremost Hungarian expert on medieval metalwork.

Marosi, Ernő - Wehli, Tünde, Az Árpád-kor művészeti emlékei, Budapest: Balassi, 1997. - Short overview of Romanesque and early Gothic art in Hungary. Although in Hungarian, the illustrations make it helpful even for those who don't speak the language.

Ipolyi, Arnold, Tanulmányok a középkori magyar művészetről, Budapest: Holnap, 1997. - Three classic art historical studies by one of the founders of the discipline in Hungary - the topics are Medieval architecture in Hungary (1861); Medieval sculpture of Hungary (1863); Medieval wall painting in Hungary (1864). The volume comes with an introductory study by Mária Prokopp, and with new notes.

bulletBasic handbooks and monographs

Marosi, Ernő, ed., Magyarországi művészet 1300-1470 körül, 1-2. A magyarországi művészet története II. Budapest: Akadémiai, 1987 - although in Hungarian, this handbook of the art between 1300 and 1470 in Hungary is indispensable. The second volume contains almost 2000 images.

Marosi, Ernő, Die Anfänge der Gotik in Ungarn: Esztergom in der Kunst des 12-13. Jahrhunderts, Budapest: Akadémiai, 1984.

Prokopp, Mária, Italian Trecento Influence on Murals in East Central Europe, particularly Hungary, Budapest: Akadémiai, 1983.

Ungarische Nationalgalerie Budapest - Alte Sammlung, Ed. Miklós Mojzer, Budapest, 1984.

Matthias Corvinus und die Renaissance in Ungarn 1458-1541, Schallaburg, 1982 - Exhibition catalogue. Some Late Gothic works are also treated along with a full treatment of the Early Renaissance in Hungary.

Radocsay, Dénes, Wandgemälde in mittelalterlichen Ungarn, Budapest: Corvina, 1977.

Gerevich, László, The Art of Buda and Pest in the Middle Ages, Budapest: Akadémiai, 1971.


bulletArt History Journals and Series


Archaeologiai Értesítő - The main archaeological journal in Hungary, continuously running since 1868.

Acta Historiae Artium - The premier art history journal of Hungary, with articles in western languages. 2-4 issues each year since 1953.

Ars Hungarica - The journal of the Art History Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Articles are in Hungarian, with summaries in English or German. 2 issues each year since 1973.

Művészettörténeti Értesítő - Published by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Articles are in Hungarian. 4 issues each year since 1952.

Műemlékvédelmi Szemle - The journal of the National Institute for the Protection of Monuments. Studies and articles on recent discoveries, shorter notices. In Hungarian with English and German summaries. 2 issues each year since 1991.


Ongoing series:

Művészettörténeti Füzetek - appears irregularly, consists of scholarly monographs, dissertations and study volumes. In Hungarian, with extensive summaries in a western language. 25 volumes have appeared since 1971.

Művészettörténet-Műemlékvédelem - published by the National Institute for the Protection of Monuments. Monographs and collections of studies, primarily by art historians and archaeologists working there, thematic issues and Festschriften, generally in Hungarian with English/German summaries. 11 volumes have appeared since 1993.

Magyar Műemlékvédelem - The yearbook of the National Institute for the Protection of Monuments. Although a yearbook in theory, only 10 volumes have appeared since 1960. The last one is volume X, published in 1996, covering the years 1980-1990. In Hungarian, with short summaries in German and English. Contains detailed bibliographies of the years covered.

Lapidarium Hungaricum - Catalogue of the architectural fragments of medieval Hungary. 4 volumes have appeared since 1988.

Tájak-Korok-Múzeumok kiskönyvtára - Several hundred small booklets have been published in this series, each dealing with one monument or museum, usually available at the site. The primary language of the series is Hungarian, but more important booklets have been published in English and German as well. The publishers have also launched a series of books, dealing with such topics as cathedrals in Hungary, or the frescoes of the Saint Ladislas legend (Tájak-Korok-Múzeumok könyvtára).
In 1993, a comparable series of booklets, called Erdélyi műemlékek was started in Kolozsvár (Cluj, Romania), the series is in Hungarian and deals with monuments in Transylvania.


Incomplete series:

A Magyarországi művészet története - The history of art in Hungary in 8x2 volumes. Only 3 volumes have appeared so far, including Marosi, Ernő, ed. Magyarországi Művészet 1300-1470 körül. 1-2, Budapest: MTA, 1987. There is little hope that this indispensable series will continue in the immediate future.

Magyarország műemléki topográfiája - This Hungarian catalogue of historic monuments remains incomplete after a number of important volumes (published since 1948). The series might come back to life in the near future.



Engel, Pál, The Realm of Saint Stephen - History of Medieval Hungary, London: I.B. Taurus, 2001.

Kontler, László, Millennium in Central Europe: A History of Hungary, Budapest: Atlantisz, 1999.

Róna Tas, András, Hungarians and Europe in the Early Middle Ages, Budapest: CEU Press, 1999.

Gesta Hungarorum. The Deeds of the Hungarians by Simon of Kéza, eds. Veszprémi László, Schaer Frank. Budapest: CEU Press, 1999.

Kristó, Gyula - Makk, Ferenc, Die ersten Könige Ungarns. Die Herrscher der Arpadendynastie. Herne: Verlag Tibor Schäfer, 1999.

Kubinyi, András, Matthias Corvinus. Die Regierung eines Königreichs in Ostmitteleuropa, 1458-1490, Herne: Verlag Tibor Schäfer, 1999.

Scriptores Rerum Hungaricarum I-II. Ed. Szentpétery, Imre, new edition by Szovák, Kornél and Veszprémy László. Budapest: Nap, 1999. (New edition of the 1937-38 Scriptores, a classic collection of Latin language medieval Hungarian chronicles and legends of saints. This new edition reproduces the original, with three other Latin chronicles added in an Appendix. New studies by Szovák and Veszprémy, as well as a new Bibliography complete the edition.)

Magocsi, Paul Robert, Historical Atlas of East Central Europe (A History of East Central Europe I.), University of Washington Press, 1993.

Sedlar, Jean W., East Central Europe in the Middle Ages, 1000-1500 (A History of East Central Europe III.)University of Washington Press

Sugar, Peter F., ed., A History of Hungary, Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1990.

Louis the Great: King of Hungary and Poland, ed. S.B. Vardy - Géza Grosschid - Leslie S. Domokos, New York: Columbia UP, 1986.

Mályusz, Elemér, Kaiser Sigismund in Ungarn, 1387-1437, Budapest: Akadémiai, 1990.


Recent and ongoing source publications:

Bak, János et al., The Laws of the Medieval Kingdom of Hungary. Decreta Regni Mediaevalis Hungariae. (vols. 1-3 have been published, covering the years 1000-1490).

Anjou-kori oklevéltár. Documenta res Hungaricas tempore regum Andagavensium illustratia (vols. 1-5, 7., 8., 11. have been published).

Mályusz, Elemér and Iván Borsa, eds., Zsigmond-kori oklevéltár (Documents of the Sigismund era), 5 vols. have been published.


For earlier source publications, see the lists in: Benda, Kálmán, "A magyar történeti forráskiadás múltja," (Past of the source edition in Hungary) in A magyar történettudomány kézikönyve. Budapest: Könyvértékesítő Vállalat, 1987; and Draskóczy, István and Soós, István, "Középkori oklevélpublikációk Magyarországon 1945-1990 között," (Medieval charter publications in Hungary between 1945-1990) Levéltári Közlemények (1990), 9-55.



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