Museums, collections, archives,
databases, universities
Hungary's main museums all have rich medieval holdings, and there are a
number of specialized collections as well. Most of these are public
institutions, which means that you can generally do research in their
archives and even see items not exhibited after some advance
correspondence. Major libraries, archives and photo collections are
similarly accessible, but permission is often needed to see special items,
or if you want to use smaller collections. To do research on the art of
medieval Hungary, you also have to use the museums and collections in the
neighboring countries. Slovakia and Transylvania in Romania, as parts of
the former Hungarian kingdom, are particularly rich in medieval monuments.
Information on this page is arranged in the following

Bibliographic Tools
If you are just starting to work on a Hungarian topic,
the Bibliography page
might have what you need to start.
Hungarian journals are regularly indexed by the major
art history bibliographies and databases, including the Art Index and Art
Abstract (available on Wilson Web); the Avery Index of Architecture and
the Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA), both available on-line
through the Research
Libraries Group.
Articles with medieval subjects are also indexed in the
International Medieval Bibliography (IMB) - for more information,
visit the site describing

Online journals
During 2009, a number of Hungarian journals became
available fully or partially online. These journals range from historical
reviews to art historical journals. There is no JSTOR in Hungary, and the
journals have been digitized in the framework of various projects. The
following is a list of the most relevant journals for the study of
Hungarian medieval art.
Hungary's premier journal of history, published
continuously since 1867
(requires membership and/or registration, 1867)
A more recent historical journal, with lot of articles on
medieval history (published since 1985, online since 1996)
Egyháztörténeti Szemle
Journal of ecclesiastical history.
Hadtörténeti Közlemények
Journal of military history.
Magyar Könyvszemle (1876-)
A journal dedicated to the history of the book, naturally
including medieval manuscripts.
(Budapesti Könyvszemle) - Budapest Review of Books
Art history
Acta Historiae Artium
The premier art
history journal of Hungary, with articles in English, German, French,
(subscription based)
Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Similar to the above, but with articles in Hungarian, with and English
summary (subscription based)
Ars Hungarica
Journal of the Art History Research Institute of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In Hungarian. So far, only years 2005-2007
are available online.
Acta Archaeologica
Journal of Archaeology, with articles in various world
languages, primarily English.
Archaeologiai Értesítő
A journal primarily
focusing on archaeology, with numerous articles on medieval subjects
(subscription based)
Museum journals
The full text of all
the publications of Hungary's 19 county museums, as well as the Budapest
History Museum, in a fully searchable database.
A new journal
dedicated to castles. Volumes 2005-2007 are available online.
Hungarian Art Journal, published between 1902-1915.

Libraries and Archives
As with anything else, if you are trying to do research
on a medieval Hungarian topic, it is possible that your local library will
not have all the materials you need. I list a few online catalogues here
to libraries with excellent collections in this field.
In the United States, the
of Congress and major University libraries have good collections on
medieval Hungary. Refer to the
list of library catalogues compiled by Yale University Library.
In Europe, try
- giving access to the catalogues of three German research libraries
specializing in the history of art: Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz;
Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München; Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institut),
Rom. Presently the information included in the catalogue is limited to the
publications catalogued by the libraries since 1996.
Before coming to Hungary, you might want to search the
catalogues of some of the major libraries:
Maintains an
online catalogue, as well as
Maintains an
A number of University libraries maintain a common
online catalogue,
There are several specialized art history and
medievalist libraries, mainly in Budapest, which are in many cases more
useful than the larger ones (more information coming soon). These include
ELTE-CEU Medieval Library, and
the Library of the Musem of Fine Arts.
Some archives also maintain homepages on the internet as
1014 Budapest, Bécsi kapu tér 2-4.
1250 Budapest, Pf. 3.
Tel: (36-1) 156-5811
Medieval documents, up to 1526, can be searched in an
online database.
For more information, read a study by Zsolt Hunyadi (CEU/University
of Szeged) :
and see also the online handbook:

Museums and exhibitons
A full list of Hungarian museums is available in the
online Museum Calendar
(maintained by the Hungarian National Museum). You can find addresses,
opening hours and a short description of the collections there. For up to
date information about museums, consult the
Museum Review (Múzeumi
Hírlevél). This is a monthly newsletter, published by the Ministry of
National Cultural Heritage and the Hungarian National Museum (in
Here I am only listing the most important Hungarian
museums with siginificant medieval holdings.
 | Budapest
Museum of Fine
Arts - Szépmûvészeti Múzeum
1146 Budapest, Dózsa György út 41. (Hõsök tere)
Hungary's premier art museum has rich medieval
holdings, but no artworks from Hungary.
Most important medieval exhibitions: Gothic sculpture,
Old Master Paintings (Italian trecento, German, Netherlandish, and
Spanish medieval painting)
Hungarian National
Gallery - Magyar Nemzeti Galéria
1014 Budapest, Dísz tér 17. (Buda castle, buildings B,
C, D)
Includes: Medieval and Renaissance Lapidary, Gothic
statues and panel paintings, Late Gothic altarpieces
Hungarian National
Museum - Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum
1088 Budapest, Múzeum körút 14-16.
Founded in 1802 as a National Museum.
See an overview of the
Medieval exhibition.
The Hungarian National Museum's exhibition at
Budapest Historical
Museum - Budapesti Történeti Múzeum
1014 Budapest, Szent György tér 2. (Buda castle,
building E)
The history of Budapest, includes the remains of the
medieval royal castle of Buda.
Most important medieval exhibitions: Gothic statues from the castle of
Buda, Budapest in the Middle Ages
Museum of
Applied Arts - Magyar Iparmûvészeti Múzeum
1091 Budapest, Üllöi út 33-37.
Medieval furniture, goldsmith works, textiles, etc.
 | Other cities - selections
Esztergom - Christian Museum -
Keresztény Múzeum
2500 Esztergom, Mindszenthy hercegprímás tere 2.
Based on the private collection of archbishop János
Simor, and first opened in 1875, the Christian Museum is one of the most
important museums in Hungary housing medieval art. Apart from an
excellent Italian trecento collection and other medieval paintings, the
museum also houses a rich collection of Hungarian medieval painting and
sculpture, including the works of Tamás of Kolozsvár and Master M.S.
Esztergom - Cathedral Treasury -
Fõszékesegyházi Kincstár
2500 Esztergom, Szent István tér 1. (inside the
Large treasury, with very important medieval objects (such
as a Byzantine staurotheca, the Calvary of King Matthias, the Coronation
Cross, etc.)
Esztergom - Balassa Bálint Museum and Castle Museum
2500 Eszterom, Mindszenthy hercegprímás tere 5.
Archaeological finds and other objects are exhibited
in a downtown building, whereas the remains of the medieval castle and
cathedral of Esztergom can be seen up on the Castle Hill.
Visegrád - King Matthias Museum -
Mátyás Király Múzeum
2025 Visegrád, Fõ utca 29.
Medieval and Renaissance architecture and sculpture
from the royal castle and palace of Visegrád. The exhibitions are inside
the Lower castle (Salamon tower) and the Royal Palace. Also open to
visitors is the Upper castle.
Pécs - Janus Pannonius Museum
7621 Pécs, Káptalan utca 5.
The museum is in charge of the following exhibition
spaces, where medieval art can be found: Early Christian Mausoleum,
Roman burial chapel, Archaeological Museum, Renaissance Lapidary.
Pécs - Cathedral Museum -
This museum houses the remains of the exceptionally
rich sculptural decoration of the medieval cathedral of Pécs.
Veszprém - Queen Gisella Museum -
Gizella Királyné Múzeum
8200 Veszprém, Vár utca 35.
The main building houses a rich collection of
ecclesiastical art. The museum is in charge of the medieval Gisella
chapel, and the ruins of the Saint George chapel on the north side of
the cathedral.
Veszprém - Dezsõ Laczkó Museum
- Laczkó Dezsõ Múzeum
8200 Veszprém, Erzsébet sétány 1.
Archaeological exhibition inside the main building of
the museum.
Pannonhalma - Collection of the Benedictine Archabbey
- Pannonhalmi Fõapátság Gyûjteménye
The thousand year old Benedictine abbey can be visited
today. The collections include an exceptionally rich library and a large
collection of ecclesiastical art.
Eger - István Dobó Castle Museum -
Dobó István Vármúzeum
Archaeological collection in the medieval castle of
Eger, with the ruins of the medieval cathedral.
Szeged - Móra Ferenc Museum
6720 Szeged, Roosevelt tér 1-3.
Rich collection of objects from the migration period.
Jászberény - Jász Museum
5100 Jászberény, Táncsics M. utca 5.
The most important medieval object here is the
so-called 'Horn of Lehel', a 10th century Byzantine ivory horn.
Tata - Kuny Domokos Museum
2890 Tata, Öregvár
Archaeological collection inside the medieval castle
of Tata, including stone carvings from the abbey of Vérteszentkereszt.
Köszeg - Miklós Jurisics Museum and Castle Museum
Exhibition inside the castle of Kõszeg
A number of other collections are of special value.
There are important treasuries at the following places: Kalocsa,
Roman Catholic Archiepiscopal Treasury, Gyõr - Roman Catholic
Treasury and Library, Sopron - Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical Art
Among many others, the following castles and abbey can
be visited without prior notice. Most contain a museum as well.
Castles: Diósgyõr, Gyula,
Kisnána, Nagyvázsony, Sárospatak, Siklós, Simontornya, Sümeg, etc.
Abbeys and churches:
Kaposszentjakab, Ópusztaszer, Pécsvárad, Somogyvár, Székesfehérvár
basilica, Tihany
In addition, Hungary's countless medieval churches and
are all open to visitors.
It also needs to be remembered that most of the medieval
art of Hungary is in areas which are now outside the borders of Hungary.
Thus the collections in Pozsony (Bratislava, Slovakia - Slovakian Natioanl
Gallery), Kassa (Kosice, Slovakia), Kolozsvár (Cluj, Romania), Nagyszeben
(Sibiu, Romania), etc. need also be visited by those interested in the
medieval art of Hungary. In these areas countless churches, abbey and
castles await the visitor, the listing of which is beyond the scope of
this website.

History and historical maps of
Map of Hungary at the
Fine Arts in
Hungary site.
Due to
the change of the borders of Hungary after 1920, the names of many places
which played an important role in the history of Hungarian art have
changed. A concordance of place names is also provided by
Fine Arts in
A map
showing the
marriage connections of 11-13th c. Hungarian kings
Transylvania in the 13th century
Brief History of Hungary
Hungarian Cultural Collection
Hungarian Images and Historical Notes

Art historical organizations

CD-ROM Image collections
The following is a selection of recently
published CD-ROMs that can be acquired from various museums and institutions.
-Encyclopeadia Humana Hungarica
series - published by the Enciklopédia Humana Egyesület, Budapest (H-1438
Budapest, Pf. 435 Hungary -
A series of CD-ROMs with Hungarian, German and English
text, images and music - includes history, literature, music, art, etc. 1.
Emese Saga. Hungarian Prehistory from the Beginnings to King St.
Stephen (+1038) 2. The Vazul-line. Kings of the Árpád Dynasty after
St. Stephen (1038-1301) 3. Knight Kings. The Anjou and Sigismund
Age in Hungary (1301-1437) 4. Pannonian Renaissance. The Hunyadis
and the Jagello Age (1437-1526)
-Magyar Kódex. Budapest:
Kossuth Kiadó, 1999.
volume in this new series comes with a CD-ROM containing all the images of
the book.
Currently available: Vol. 1. Az Árpádok világa. Magyarország
mûvelõdéstörténete a kezdetektõl 1301-ig (Hungarian Cultural History
from the Beginnings to 1301)
Vol. 2.
Lovagkor és reneszánsz (Hungarian Cultural History in the 14th-15th
Hungarica. A magyar könyvtárak egy ezredév
tükrében. Hungarian libraries in the mirror of a millennium. Budapest:
Neumann, 1999. (In English and Hungarian.)
-Budapest Museums. Budapest: Neumann, 1999. (Multimedia
guided tours of the most important museums of Budapest. In 5 languages.)
a Szépmüvészeti Múzeumban - Masterpieces
in the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts -The first multimedia CD-ROM on the
collection of the Museum of Fine Arts. There are no Hungarian artworks in
that museum, but there are numerous medieval paintings and statues
-The Hungarian Crown and Regalia -
Hungarian National Museum,
1996. In Hungarian and English
Illuminated Chronicle (Képes Krónika) was published on a CD-ROM
with the full text, images and commentary in 1996 by Cyberstone
Entertainment Kiadó, Budapest
Hungarian Angevine Legendary was digitized at the Medieval Studies
Department of the Central European University. The CD-ROM contains all the
images of the manuscript with extensive commentary and full iconographical
-Magyarországi Várak V 1.0 - A CD-ROM about the
castles of Hungary.
Honfoglaló Magyarság - The Conquest of Hungary.
der Sachsen in Siebenbürgen - Monasteries in
Romania (2 CDs) - D.O.R. Kunsthandel GmbH, Olsberg - Noi S.R.L., Bucuresti,
1996. No text.

Other sites worth visiting

Medieval Art in Other Central European Countries:
Visit medieval towns and museums on the
Czech Republic
Prague castle
Gallery in Prague
Plzen (Pilsen)
Home Page
Master Theodoric
National Museum in Warsaw -
Medieval Art
Museum of Slovenia-Narodni Muzej
Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit
- Also available is their Digital Image Database of medieval daily
life and material culture,
REAL, searchable in numerous ways
interested in medieval manuscripts, visit the
Kommission für
Schrift- und Buchwesen des Mittelalters der Österreichischen Akademie der
For general information, and links, go to the
Austrian Tourist